Sedna A'i Neges O'r Arctig - Illustrated Children's Book


Sedna A'i Neges O'r Arctig is an illustrated children's book published in Welsh by Gwasg Carreg Gwalch. It is written and illustrated by me, and translated into Welsh by Mari Huws. Please note that the book is not available in English at this time, but hopefully will be in 2023.

"Sedna’s Message from the Arctic is a tale of adventure and discovery that contains a very important message: that even the most beautiful and seemingly untouched places on the planet are under threat from humans. Author and Illustrator Jess Grimsdale has woven together ancient folktales with new scientific research, and created a children’s book that tells the story of her expedition to the Arctic in search of microplastic pollution."

If ordering from outside the UK, please contact me directly at [email protected] to place your order.